We will regularly update this page with the latest information, regulations and guidance to ensure that pupils and their families are able to navigate both internal and external examination periods with confidence.
GCSE Subject | Exam Board | Specification Code | Website |
English Language | AQA | 8700 | AQA GCSE English Language |
English Literature | AQA | 8702 | Aqa GCSE English Literature |
Mathematics | OCR | J560 | OCR – Mathematics |
Combined Science | AQA | 8464 | Aqa – Combined Science |
Biology | AQA | 8461 | Aqa – Biology |
Chemistry | AQA | 8462 | Aqa – Chemistry |
Physics | AQA | 8463 | Aqa – Physics |
History | Pearson Edexcel | 1H10 | Pearson Edexel – History |
Geography | WJEC | C112QS | WJEC – Geography |
Religious Studies | WJEC | C120QS | WJEC – Religious Studies |
French | AQA | 8658 | Aqa – French |
Art | AQA | 8201 | Aqa – Art |
Performing Arts (Music or Drama) | WJEC | 5639QA | WJEC – Performing Arts |
Resistant Materials | AQA | 8552 | Aqa – Resistant Materials |
Graphics | AQA | 8552 | Aqa – Graphics |
Engineering | Pearson BTEC | 603/0829/1 | Pearson BTEC – Engineering |
Food & Nutrition | AQA | 8585 | Aqa – Food and Nutrition |
Creative iMedia | Cambridge National | J817 | Cambridge National – Creative iMedia |
Sport | Pearson BTEC | 600/4779/3 | Pearson BTEC – Sport |
Health & Social Care | Cambridge National | J811 | Cambridge National – Health and Social Care |
Travel & Tourism | Pearson BTEC | 600/6512/6 | Pearson BTEC – Travel and Tourism |
GCSE exams typically run from early may to the end of June. Please ensure that your child is present in school throughout this time.
Timetables can be found by exam board using the links below:
All pupils will receive personalised exam timetables as they approach their GCSE examinations.
Morning examinations start at 9.00am, with pupils expected to be on site by 8.25am for a pre-exam briefing.
Afternoon examinations start at 1.00pm, with pupils expected to attend their pre-exam briefing after they have had lunch.
Pupils must be punctual to start each examination at the published time.
Pupils will need essential examination equipment including, but not limited to:
For certain exams (particularly mathematics and science) you will also need the following:
Year Group | Type of Examination | Dates |
11 | Mock Examinations 2 | Monday 11th October – Friday 15th October 2024 |
11 | Mock Examinations 3 | Monday 3rd February – Friday 14th February 2025 |
10 | Mock Examinations 1 | Monday 6th June – Friday 4th July 2025 |
7, 8, 9, 10 | Assessment Window 1 | Monday 11th November – Friday 6th December 2024 |
7, 8, 9, 10 | Assessment Window 2 | Monday 3rd March – Friday 28th March 2025 |
7, 8, 9 | Assessment Window 3 | Monday 9th June – Friday 11th July 2025 |
For courses that contain non-examination assessments (for example, controlled assessment or coursework), assessment dates and completion deadlines are set by the relevant faculty in line with the curriculum plan.
It is vital that pupils and parents have read the attached information and guidance for candidates completing non-examination assessments, ensuring that particular attention is paid to the JCQ regulations around research and plagiarism.
All pupils will receive a statement of entry before their GCSE examinations, detailing the subjects for which they are entered. It is vital that pupils take the time to ensure this information is correct.
This statement of entry will also contain pupils’ personal details, which again pupils must check carefully. Date of birth, spelling of names etc. will be as they will appear on final GCSE certificates, and any changes must be made prior to the start of the examination season. Changes after this point will incur a cost to parents.
Pupils are strongly advised to read the JCQ regulations “Information for Candidates” (linked below) prior to them sitting their examinations, paying particular attention to section A Regulations.
Collection of GCSE examination results will be on Thursday 21st August 2025, between 9.00am and 10.30am.
If pupils are unable to collect their results and require someone to collect them on their behalf, the following information will be required:
There can be occasions where pupils may wish to query their results. There are various means through which this can happen. In the first instance, this is a conversation that will need to be had with the staff available on GCSE results day. They will be able to provide further advice and guidance.
If, after the GCSE results day, a pupil decides that they wish to query their awarded mark and/or the marking of their paper, this can be done by contacting the relevant curriculum leader or the exams officer.
All pupils will be invited to a celebration evening to collect their certificates. If a pupil would like someone to collect their certificates on their behalf, written consent must be given by the pupil nominating a specific person.
It is important for pupils and their families to take time to familiarise themselves with the following documents before any exams are taken.