There is strong evidence to show the link between high attendance and high achievement and so, as part of our wish to support all students in achieving their potential, we expect that every student should aim for 100% attendance.
By law, there are 190 days in a school year which equates to 950 lessons at Da Vinci Academy.
The potential effect of any absence is illustrated below:
If a student’s attendance is… | …they will miss this many days | …which is this many lessons |
95% | 9.5 | 47 |
90% | 19 | 95 |
85% | 28.5 | 142 |
80% | 38 | 190 |
75% | 47.5 | 237 |
If a student’s attendance is… | …they will miss this many days | …which is this many lessons |
95% | 47.5 | 237 |
90% | 95 | 475 |
85% | 142.5 | 712 |
80% | 190 | 950 |
75% | 237.5 | 1,187 |
Where a child is to be absent from school through illness we ask that parents/carers contact the school on 01332 831515 before 8.30am as this allows all details to be correct and up to date.
This should be repeated on any subsequent days of absence through illness (and to ensure that your child is not believed to be missing).
We ask that, wherever possible, medical/dental appointments be made outside of the normal school day. Where this is truly unavoidable the appointment card should be shown to the Attendance Officer no later than the previous school day. For any appointment during the day, we expect students to attend school before and after the appointment. Any medical evidence provided to support illnesses/absences will prevent further escalation throughout our Attendance Policy.
Holidays in term time are not allowed, thus any absence due to holidays will be unauthorised. The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 and the accompanying guidance make it clear parents/carers do not have a legal right to take children out of school for holidays in term time.
In exceptional circumstances parents/carers may make a request for special consideration of leave of absence by writing directly to the Headteacher at the school but should not assume that permission will be granted. In each case, the school will reply in writing stating whether or not permission has been granted. Parents are advised to ensure that they have received written permission from the school before taking their children out of school.
Where a student is absent from school without authorisation (including all of the above) the school will investigate further with the assistance of the Education Welfare Service and where it is shown that unauthorised leave of absence or holiday has been taken, parents/carers may be subject to a penalty notice of £60 per parent/carer per child in the first instance.
Please support us as we aim to help your child achieve their potential by ensuring that there are no absences for minor illnesses and ailments or other reasons.
More information can be found in our information leaflets about attendance at Da Vinci Academy – simply click on the links below to view.
The Importance of Attendance and Punctuality at Da Vinci Academy
Da Vinci Academy will adopt the step process below for the academic year 2024-2025
Step | Tier | Process |
Step 1 | Tier 1
Low Risk of PA
Universal strategies e.g. pastoral support and signposted to universal services.
Letter sent to parents/carers offering a meeting if they would like to discuss barriers to their child attending on a regular basis. This letter will be issued after 4 days of absence in an academic year. The number of periods of absence, reasons for absence, stage of the academic year and historic attendance will be considered prior to issuing the letter. This will not be an automatic response to a child being off for four days within an academic year. |
Step 2 | Tier 1
Low Risk of PA
Universal strategies e.g. pastoral support and signposted to universal services.
Letter sent to parents/carers to arrange a meeting to discuss the barriers to their child attending on a regular basis. A date for the meeting will be included in the communication, the academy expects that the child and their parent/carer to attend. The meeting will be held with your child’s Assistant Achievement Leader (AAL). This letter will be issued after 7 days of absence in an academic year. The number of periods of absence, reasons for absence, stage of the academic year and historic attendance will be considered prior to issuing the letter. This will not be an automatic response to a child being off for seven days within an academic year. |
Step 3 | Tier 2
Moderate Risk of PA
Individualized strategies – e.g. 1:1 intervention/mentoring external agency referrals e.g. changing lives.
Letter sent to parents/carers to arrange a meeting to discuss the barriers to their child attending on a regular basis. A date for the meeting will be included in the communication, the academy expects that the child and their parent/carer to attend. The meeting will be held with your child’s Achievement Leader (AL). An initial improvement notice will be issued if deemed appropriate by the school. This letter will be issued after 10 days of absence in an academic year. The number of periods of absence, reasons for absence, stage of the academic year and historic attendance will be considered prior to issuing the letter. This will not be an automatic response to a child being off for ten days within an academic year. |
Step 4 | Tier 2
Moderate Risk of PA
Individualized strategies – e.g. 1:1 intervention/mentoring external agency referrals e.g. changing lives.
Letter sent to parents/carers to arrange a meeting to discuss the barriers to their child attending on a regular basis. A date for the meeting will be included in the communication, the academy expects that the child and their parent/carer to attend. The meeting will be held with Catherine Wragg (Education Welfare Officer). A second improvement letter will be issued if deemed appropriate by the school. This letter will be issued after 12 days of absence in an academic year. This letter will be issued after 12 days of absence in an academic year. The number of periods of absence, reasons for absence, stage of the academic year and historic attendance will be considered prior to issuing the letter. This will not be an automatic response to a child being off for twelve days within an academic year. |
Step 5 | Tier 3
High Risk of PA
High needs strategies – bespoke educational packages (e.g. part time timetables), early help assessments and specialist referrals.
Letter sent to parents/carers to arrange a meeting to discuss the barriers to their child attending on a regular basis. A date for the meeting will be included in the communication, the academy expects that the child and their parent/carer to attend. The meeting will be held with Keir Mather (Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead). A final improvement notice will be issued if deemed appropriate by the school. This letter will be issued after 15 days of absence in an academic year. A penalty notice may be issued if a child is absent for between 16 and 19 days if deemed appropriate by the school. The number of periods of absence, reasons for absence, stage of the academic year and historic attendance will be considered prior to issuing the letter. This will not be an automatic response to a child being off for fifteen days within an academic year. |